/********************************** (C) COPYRIGHT ******************************* * File Name : ch32l103_opa.h * Author : WCH * Version : V1.0.0 * Date : 2024/11/05 * Description : This file contains all the functions prototypes for the * OPA firmware library. ********************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2021 Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics Co., Ltd. * Attention: This software (modified or not) and binary are used for * microcontroller manufactured by Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics. *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef __CH32L103_OPA_H #define __CH32L103_OPA_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "ch32l103.h" /* OPA_member_enumeration */ typedef enum { OPA1 = 0, } OPA_Num_TypeDef; /* OPA_out_channel_enumeration */ typedef enum { OUT_IO_OUT0 = 0, /* PA3 */ OUT_IO_OUT1, /* PB1 */ OUT_IO_OUT2, /* PA2 */ OUT_IO_OUT3, /* PA4 */ OUT_IO_OUT4, /* PB0 */ OUT_IO_OFF } OPA_Mode_TypeDef; /* OPA_PSEL_enumeration */ typedef enum { CHP0 = 0, /* PB15 */ CHP1, /* PB0 */ CHP2, /* PB14 */ CHP3, /* PA7 */ CHP4, /* PA0 */ CHP5, /* PA6 */ CHP_OFF } OPA_PSEL_TypeDef; /* OPA_FB_enumeration */ typedef enum { FB_OFF = 0, FB_ON } OPA_FB_TypeDef; /* OPA_NSEL_enumeration */ typedef enum { CHN0 = 0, /* PB11 */ CHN1, /* PA6 */ CHN2, /* PB10 */ CHN3, /* PA5 */ CHN4, /* PA1 */ CHN5, /* PA7 */ CHN2_PGA_32xIN, /* PB10 */ CHN_PGA_8xIN, CHN_PGA_16xIN, CHN_PGA_32xIN, CHN_PGA_64xIN, CHN_OFF = 0xF } OPA_NSEL_TypeDef; /* OPA_PSEL_POLL_enumeration */ typedef enum { CHP_OPA1_OFF = 0, CHP_OPA1_ON, } OPA_PSEL_POLL_TypeDef; /* OPA_BKIN_EN_enumeration */ typedef enum { BKIN_OPA1_OFF = 0, /* TIM1 braking signal source form IO input */ BKIN_OPA1_ON, /* TIM1 braking signal source form OPA output */ } OPA_BKIN_EN_TypeDef; /* OPA_RST_EN_enumeration */ typedef enum { RST_OPA1_OFF = 0, RST_OPA1_ON, } OPA_RST_EN_TypeDef; /* OPA_OUT_IE_enumeration */ typedef enum { OUT_IE_OPA1_OFF = 0, OUT_IE_OPA1_ON, } OPA_OUT_IE_TypeDef; /* OPA_CNT_IE_enumeration */ typedef enum { CNT_IE_OFF = 0, CNT_IE_ON, } OPA_CNT_IE_TypeDef; /* OPA_NMI_IE_enumeration */ typedef enum { NMI_IE_OFF = 0, NMI_IE_ON, } OPA_NMI_IE_TypeDef; /* OPA_PSEL_POLL_NUM_enumeration */ typedef enum { CHP_POLL_NUM_1 = 0, CHP_POLL_NUM_2, CHP_POLL_NUM_3, CHP_POLL_NUM_4, CHP_POLL_NUM_5, CHP_POLL_NUM_6 } OPA_PSEL_POLL_NUM_TypeDef; /* Offset_voltage_adjustment_value_polarity */ typedef enum { OPA_Vos_Ads_N = 0, OPA_Vos_Ads_P } OPA_Vos_ADS_POLARITY_TypeDef; /* OPA Init Structure definition */ typedef struct { uint16_t OPA_POLL_Interval; /* OPA polling interval = (OPA_POLL_Interval+1)*1us This parameter must range from 0 to 0x1FF.*/ OPA_Num_TypeDef OPA_NUM; /* Specifies the members of OPA */ OPA_Mode_TypeDef Mode; /* Specifies the mode of OPA */ OPA_PSEL_TypeDef PSEL; /* Specifies the positive channel of OPA */ OPA_FB_TypeDef FB; /* Specifies the internal feedback resistor of OPA */ OPA_NSEL_TypeDef NSEL; /* Specifies the negative channel of OPA */ OPA_PSEL_POLL_TypeDef PSEL_POLL; /* Specifies the positive channel poll of OPA */ OPA_BKIN_EN_TypeDef BKIN_EN; /* Specifies the brake input source of OPA */ OPA_RST_EN_TypeDef RST_EN; /* Specifies the reset source of OPA */ OPA_OUT_IE_TypeDef OUT_IE; /* Specifies the out interrupt of OPA */ OPA_CNT_IE_TypeDef CNT_IE; /* Specifies the out interrupt rising edge of sampling data */ OPA_NMI_IE_TypeDef NMI_IE; /* Specifies the out NIM interrupt of OPA */ OPA_PSEL_POLL_NUM_TypeDef POLL_NUM; /* Specifies the number of forward inputs*/ } OPA_InitTypeDef; /* CMP_member_enumeration */ typedef enum { CMP1 = 0, CMP2, CMP3 } CMP_Num_TypeDef; /* CMP_out_channel_enumeration */ typedef enum { OUT_IO0 = 0, OUT_IO1, OUT_IO_TIM2 } CMP_Mode_TypeDef; /* CMP_NSEL_enumeration */ typedef enum { CMP_CHN0 = 0, CMP_CHN1, } CMP_NSEL_TypeDef; /* CMP_PSEL_enumeration */ typedef enum { CMP_CHP_0 = 0, CMP_CHP_1, } CMP_PSEL_TypeDef; #define CMP_CHP1 CMP_CHP_0 #define CMP_CHP2 CMP_CHP_1 /* CMP_HYEN_enumeration */ typedef enum { CMP_HYEN0 = 0, CMP_HYEN1, } CMP_HYEN_TypeDef; /* CMP Init Structure definition */ typedef struct { CMP_Num_TypeDef CMP_NUM; /* Specifies the members of CMP */ CMP_Mode_TypeDef Mode; /* Specifies the mode of CMP */ CMP_NSEL_TypeDef NSEL; /* Specifies the negative channel of CMP */ CMP_PSEL_TypeDef PSEL; /* Specifies the positive channel of CMP */ CMP_HYEN_TypeDef HYEN; /* Specifies the hysteresis comparator of CMP */ } CMP_InitTypeDef; /* Current channel for OPA polling enumeration */ typedef enum { O1P0 = 0, O1P1, O1P2, O1P3, O1P4, O1P5, } OPA_POLL_NUM_TypeDef; /* OPA_flags_definition */ #define OPA_FLAG_OUT_OPA1 ((uint16_t)0x1000) #define OPA_FLAG_OUT_CNT ((uint16_t)0x4000) /* CMP_WakeUp_IO_mode_definition */ #define CMP_WakeUp_Rising_Falling ((uint32_t)0x01000000) #define CMP_WakeUp_Rising ((uint32_t)0x02000000) #define CMP_WakeUp_Falling ((uint32_t)0x03000000) void OPCM_Unlock(void); void OPCM_Lock(void); void OPA_Init(OPA_InitTypeDef *OPA_InitStruct); void OPA_StructInit(OPA_InitTypeDef *OPA_InitStruct); void OPA_Cmd(OPA_Num_TypeDef OPA_NUM, FunctionalState NewState); void OPA_LP_Cmd(FunctionalState NewState); void OPA_CMP_Init(CMP_InitTypeDef *CMP_InitStruct); void OPA_CMP_StructInit(CMP_InitTypeDef *CMP_InitStruct); void OPA_CMP_Cmd(CMP_Num_TypeDef CMP_NUM, FunctionalState NewState); void OPA_CMP_LP_Cmd(CMP_Num_TypeDef CMP_NUM, FunctionalState NewState); void OPA_CMP_WakeUp_ModeConfig(uint32_t CMP_WakeUP_Mode); FlagStatus OPA_GetFlagStatus( uint16_t OPA_FLAG); void OPA_ClearFlag(uint16_t OPA_FLAG); OPA_POLL_NUM_TypeDef OPA_POLL_CNT(void); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif