/********************************** (C) COPYRIGHT ******************************* * File Name : ch32v30x_pwr.c * Author : WCH * Version : V1.0.0 * Date : 2021/06/06 * Description : This file provides all the PWR firmware functions. ********************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2021 Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics Co., Ltd. * Attention: This software (modified or not) and binary are used for * microcontroller manufactured by Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics. *******************************************************************************/ #include "ch32v30x_pwr.h" #include "ch32v30x_rcc.h" /* PWR registers bit mask */ /* CTLR register bit mask */ #define CTLR_DS_MASK ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFC) #define CTLR_PLS_MASK ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFF1F) /********************************************************************* * @fn PWR_DeInit * * @brief Deinitializes the PWR peripheral registers to their default * reset values. * * @return none */ void PWR_DeInit(void) { RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_PWR, ENABLE); RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_PWR, DISABLE); } /********************************************************************* * @fn PWR_BackupAccessCmd * * @brief Enables or disables access to the RTC and backup registers. * * @param NewState - new state of the access to the RTC and backup registers, * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. * * @return none */ void PWR_BackupAccessCmd(FunctionalState NewState) { if(NewState) { PWR->CTLR |= (1 << 8); } else { PWR->CTLR &= ~(1 << 8); } } /********************************************************************* * @fn PWR_PVDCmd * * @brief Enables or disables the Power Voltage Detector(PVD). * * @param NewState - new state of the PVD(ENABLE or DISABLE). * * @return none */ void PWR_PVDCmd(FunctionalState NewState) { if(NewState) { PWR->CTLR |= (1 << 4); } else { PWR->CTLR &= ~(1 << 4); } } /********************************************************************* * @fn PWR_PVDLevelConfig * * @brief Configures the voltage threshold detected by the Power Voltage * Detector(PVD). * * @param PWR_PVDLevel - specifies the PVD detection level * PWR_PVDLevel_2V2 - PVD detection level set to 2.2V * PWR_PVDLevel_2V3 - PVD detection level set to 2.3V * PWR_PVDLevel_2V4 - PVD detection level set to 2.4V * PWR_PVDLevel_2V5 - PVD detection level set to 2.5V * PWR_PVDLevel_2V6 - PVD detection level set to 2.6V * PWR_PVDLevel_2V7 - PVD detection level set to 2.7V * PWR_PVDLevel_2V8 - PVD detection level set to 2.8V * PWR_PVDLevel_2V9 - PVD detection level set to 2.9V * * @return none */ void PWR_PVDLevelConfig(uint32_t PWR_PVDLevel) { uint32_t tmpreg = 0; tmpreg = PWR->CTLR; tmpreg &= CTLR_PLS_MASK; tmpreg |= PWR_PVDLevel; PWR->CTLR = tmpreg; } /********************************************************************* * @fn PWR_WakeUpPinCmd * * @brief Enables or disables the WakeUp Pin functionality. * * @param NewState - new state of the WakeUp Pin functionality * (ENABLE or DISABLE). * * @return none */ void PWR_WakeUpPinCmd(FunctionalState NewState) { if(NewState) { PWR->CSR |= (1 << 8); } else { PWR->CSR &= ~(1 << 8); } } /********************************************************************* * @fn PWR_EnterSTOPMode * * @brief Enters STOP mode. * * @param PWR_Regulator - specifies the regulator state in STOP mode. * PWR_Regulator_ON - STOP mode with regulator ON * PWR_Regulator_LowPower - STOP mode with regulator in low power mode * PWR_STOPEntry - specifies if STOP mode in entered with WFI or WFE instruction. * PWR_STOPEntry_WFI - enter STOP mode with WFI instruction * PWR_STOPEntry_WFE - enter STOP mode with WFE instruction * * @return none */ void PWR_EnterSTOPMode(uint32_t PWR_Regulator, uint8_t PWR_STOPEntry) { uint32_t tmpreg = 0; tmpreg = PWR->CTLR; tmpreg &= CTLR_DS_MASK; tmpreg |= PWR_Regulator; PWR->CTLR = tmpreg; NVIC->SCTLR |= (1 << 2); if(PWR_STOPEntry == PWR_STOPEntry_WFI) { __WFI(); } else { __WFE(); } NVIC->SCTLR &= ~(1 << 2); } /********************************************************************* * @fn PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode * * @brief Enters STANDBY mode. * * @return none */ void PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode(void) { PWR->CTLR |= PWR_CTLR_CWUF; PWR->CTLR |= PWR_CTLR_PDDS; NVIC->SCTLR |= (1 << 2); __WFI(); } /********************************************************************* * @fn PWR_GetFlagStatus * * @brief Checks whether the specified PWR flag is set or not. * * @param PWR_FLAG - specifies the flag to check. * PWR_FLAG_WU - Wake Up flag * PWR_FLAG_SB - StandBy flag * PWR_FLAG_PVDO - PVD Output * * @return The new state of PWR_FLAG (SET or RESET). */ FlagStatus PWR_GetFlagStatus(uint32_t PWR_FLAG) { FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET; if((PWR->CSR & PWR_FLAG) != (uint32_t)RESET) { bitstatus = SET; } else { bitstatus = RESET; } return bitstatus; } /********************************************************************* * @fn PWR_ClearFlag * * @brief Clears the PWR's pending flags. * * @param PWR_FLAG - specifies the flag to clear. * PWR_FLAG_WU - Wake Up flag * PWR_FLAG_SB - StandBy flag * * @return none */ void PWR_ClearFlag(uint32_t PWR_FLAG) { PWR->CTLR |= PWR_FLAG << 2; } /********************************************************************* * @fn PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode_RAM * * @brief Enters STANDBY mode with RAM data retention function on. * * @return none */ void PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode_RAM(void) { uint32_t tmpreg = 0; tmpreg = PWR->CTLR; tmpreg |= PWR_CTLR_CWUF; tmpreg |= PWR_CTLR_PDDS; //2K+30K in standby w power. tmpreg |= (0x1 << 16) | (0x1 << 17); PWR->CTLR = tmpreg; NVIC->SCTLR |= (1 << 2); __WFI(); } /********************************************************************* * @fn PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode_RAM_LV * * @brief Enters STANDBY mode with RAM data retention function and LV mode on. * * @return none */ void PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode_RAM_LV(void) { uint32_t tmpreg = 0; tmpreg = PWR->CTLR; tmpreg |= PWR_CTLR_CWUF; tmpreg |= PWR_CTLR_PDDS; //2K+30K in standby power. tmpreg |= (0x1 << 16) | (0x1 << 17); //2K+30K in standby LV . tmpreg |= (0x1 << 20); PWR->CTLR = tmpreg; NVIC->SCTLR |= (1 << 2); __WFI(); } /********************************************************************* * @fn PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode_RAM_VBAT_EN * * @brief Enters STANDBY mode with RAM data retention function on (VBAT Enable). * * @return none */ void PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode_RAM_VBAT_EN(void) { uint32_t tmpreg = 0; tmpreg = PWR->CTLR; tmpreg |= PWR_CTLR_CWUF; tmpreg |= PWR_CTLR_PDDS; //2K+30K in standby power (VBAT Enable). tmpreg |= (0x1 << 18) | (0x1 << 19); PWR->CTLR = tmpreg; NVIC->SCTLR |= (1 << 2); __WFI(); } /********************************************************************* * @fn PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode_RAM_LV_VBAT_EN * * @brief Enters STANDBY mode with RAM data retention function and LV mode on(VBAT Enable). * * @return none */ void PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode_RAM_LV_VBAT_EN(void) { uint32_t tmpreg = 0; tmpreg = PWR->CTLR; tmpreg |= PWR_CTLR_CWUF; tmpreg |= PWR_CTLR_PDDS; //2K+30K in standby power (VBAT Enable). tmpreg |= (0x1 << 18) | (0x1 << 19); //2K+30K in standby LV . tmpreg |= (0x1 << 20); PWR->CTLR = tmpreg; NVIC->SCTLR |= (1 << 2); __WFI(); } /********************************************************************* * @fn PWR_EnterSTOPMode_RAM_LV * * @brief Enters STOP mode with RAM data retention function and LV mode on. * * @param PWR_Regulator - specifies the regulator state in STOP mode. * PWR_Regulator_LowPower - STOP mode with regulator in low power mode * PWR_STOPEntry - specifies if STOP mode in entered with WFI or WFE instruction. * PWR_STOPEntry_WFI - enter STOP mode with WFI instruction * PWR_STOPEntry_WFE - enter STOP mode with WFE instruction * * @return none */ void PWR_EnterSTOPMode_RAM_LV(uint32_t PWR_Regulator, uint8_t PWR_STOPEntry) { uint32_t tmpreg = 0; tmpreg = PWR->CTLR; tmpreg &= CTLR_DS_MASK; tmpreg |= PWR_Regulator; tmpreg |= (0x1 << 20); PWR->CTLR = tmpreg; NVIC->SCTLR |= (1 << 2); if(PWR_STOPEntry == PWR_STOPEntry_WFI) { __WFI(); } else { __WFE(); } NVIC->SCTLR &= ~(1 << 2); }